Enable Marketing – Branding, Website Design & Digital Marketing Strategy & Implementation

Google My Business – Help customers find your business

Google My Business Enable Marketing

Image by Stylus photo / shutterstock.com

I work as a Digital Marketing Consultant in Co Mayo, Galway and Sligo and recently I was asked to talk at an AIB digital evening for business. AIB were promoting their new service “POGO” which is a card payment facility that allows you to accept card payments on the go and in my opinion is an excellent option for small businesses or individuals who work out of office. It was a great event and was very well attended. The focus of my presentation was on how businesses can attract more customers through online search engines and one area I highlighted was “Google My Business“. The reason I focused on Google is because they own 95% of the search engine market in Ireland.

Over the years, Google identified that customers searches were becoming more specific with many people searching for local product and services. In response to this they changed their algorithm to become more focused on the search “Intent” rather than just the “Keywords” users typed into Google when conducting a search. In 2014, they launched “Google My Business” with the aim of allowing local businesses to display their business information online so new and existing customers can find them on Google Search, Maps and Google+. The good news is that businesses do not need a website to register for it (Even though I would recommend every business has a website) and it is free of charge.

I recently worked with Cunningham’s Pharmacy in Bray to develop an online presence for their business. Four months ago their business was not online and now if you Google “Pharmacy in Bray”, they are listed as the first pharmacy in Bray, two ahead of Boots! Getting these type of results are not always possible, as it can depend on the competition in your area but what I would say is Google your business name and see what your business listing looks like on Google.

Normally, there are three results:

1. You are not listed at all.

2. You are listed but you don’t have control of your listing.

3. You are already registered on “Google My Business” which is great!

Setting up your listing is easy. Click this link to Google My Business and follow the instructions. Finally, to get the best results, take the time to fill out your business information and you should see the benefit!

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